每星期日-- 5月13日,20日,27日:全球團結冥想聚焦於和平並擴大主要時間線
5月12日星期六: 太陽能(Solar)與水晶連接,準備5月中旬湧入
5月15日星期二: 新月-- 太平洋時間上午4:49。
門戶守護者於5月17日星期四 ~ 5月22日星期二(5月19日為高峰)打開: 宇宙星際之門對齊;
預期5月29日週二將有強勁能量湧入:滿月7:20 PDT
這是一個強而有力的變化門戶; 帶著愛的思想、言語與行為保持一致。讓我們盡可能地以輕鬆和優雅的方式轉變這些實相。
【Sandra Walter ~ New Earth Gridworker Alliance: Intro for May】
Blessings Beloveds ~
This is a Gate-and-Grid-focused offering. A brief excerpt from the May intro to our New Earth Gridworker Alliance Zoom conference. We had a beautiful exchange of intel, insights and experiences related to our sacred work. In Unifying, we synchronize and raise our service to the next level.
Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers and awakened Hearts, join us in bringing forth the sacred, organic New Earth dynamics of Love, Peace and Ascension. Review the Gateway dates in the previous Primary Timeline article and focus on this shift to raise all loving hearts to the New Earth realities.
Many are triggered with the release of deep shadow aspects and mental/subconscious distortions. We are focused on releasing that as well; release Gates presented during our call. The amplification of the Divine Mother frequency, which carries activation of the Christed Divine HUman, unveils unconditional love within and without. May this passage teach all to demonstrate kindness.
Let us unify on the Gateway dates in May and every week for the SUNday Unity Meditations.
SUNday May 13, 20, 27: Global Unity Meditations focused on Peace and amplifying Primary Timelines. Hearts in Service, please participate. Invite all to the table.
Saturday May 12: Solar and Crystal connection, prep for mid-May influx
Tuesday May 15: New Moon at 4:49AM PDT. Gatekeepers opening
Thursday May 17 – Tuesday May 22 (peak on May 19): Cosmic Stargate alignment; Strong Influx expected
Tuesday May 29: Full Moon 7:20AM PDT
This is a powerful passage for change; stay aligned with loving thought, word and deed. Let us migrate these realities with as much ease and grace as possible.
In Love, Light and Service,