

渠道:瓦萊麗·唐納 Valerie Donner 翻譯:黎飛翔








他們的能量清除工作即將結束。他們的恐怖統治不再被允許。你會在街道上跳舞,或者唱著“Good riddance to bad rubbish.”(如釋重負)。 然後,你會唱著“ “Let the good times roll”(讓好時光能繼續)。街道上鋪滿了金子。







A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner May 9, 2018

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I work full time with the Earth Council and am focused on the ascension process.
You are proceeding rapidly with your Ascension Process. We are with you every step of the way. You are pulling your energies away from the third dimension. You are focusing on moving through the fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension.

Some of you are still quite attached to the material world. You are beginning to understand the lessons that you came to learn from the third dimension. We know that you would like to retreat from some of these lessons, yet they still require your completion. If you look at what you are going through you will see that you are putting the finishing touches on the karma so that you can be free to ascend. You will not have to go through these lessons again. Then you will be able to pat your self on the back. If you like, we will even give you a diploma so that you can put it on your resume when you apply for other planetary service.


You are reaching new levels of understanding of yourself and the world in which you have been living. It is like none other. You are a special needs planet due to extreme diversity and the energy vampires who have settled on your planet. Their energy scavenging is nearly over. Their reign of terror will no longer be allowed. You will be dancing in the streets perhaps singing “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Then you will be singing “Let the good times roll” and the streets will be paved with gold.

Please mark my words. They are filled with love and truth. They are a predictor of what lies ahead. Do not let these challenges overwhelm you. You are spiritual warriors filled with light, power and truth.

I proclaim that the time is now. You are ready for the Golden Age. Change is at hand.

I am Mira saying good bye today with bountiful love.


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