
【Don’t Turn Away】

Friday, June 16, 2017


From April 19, 2017 through December 27, 2018 Mother Earth will be manifesting the “Great Melting” of her former Fourth Dimension Frequency Vibration, resulting in the finality of its use upon her body. If you are to tune into your local news sources at anytime during Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” period, dear Ones, there will be many days you will want to turn away, change the channel, and think you are not directly involved in humanity’s current evolutionary process, but you are!


We are now entering into the initiation stage of Creating what we were BORN TO DO – to manifest our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose! If we were only meant to live “ordinary lives” serving to manifest an income to increase our probabilities of maintaining a shelter, providing sustenance for our bodies, and keeping our bodies warm with appropriate clothing, God would have never Created our Soul’s ability to experience a physical environment in the first place; leading many of us to prioritize our body’s physical condition as the primary purpose of our very existence and rarely questioning what we were BORN TO DO!


When our body’s physical condition becomes the primary purpose of our Life, we easily tend to forget that we are actually Spiritual Beings in physical bodies, just like the physical world we experience! To manifest our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose, which is the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe, we will need to turn inward and not turn away from what we are now seeing!


The physical world we experience involves a process of collaboration between our Soul’s own electromagnetic field unifying with Mother Earth’s Dimensional Vibratory Frequency to Create and manifest a “construct,” or concept, from our Soul’s Spiritual Center, our Heart Chakra. Prior to March 27, 2017, when Mother Earth completed the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition, each and every experience we realized upon Mother Earth was an achievement completed with her Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency.


Though by all accounts it may seem as if we were still experiencing a replay of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, we are not! Each and every Soul on Earth is now entirely operating within the parameters of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension and is currently in a process of adjusting his or her own Soul’s electromagnetic field to unify with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Field.


Many Souls on Earth will continue to be deceived by the perception that Mother Earth is still operating in the same manner as in the past. However, Mother Earth is not a static object, she is actually in a process to further expand her innate abilities as a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension, as Mother Earth is now involved in a process of collaboration to unify her own electromagnetic field and the Universe’s Grid of Fifth Dimension Sun-Stars to Create and manifest a “construct” from her own Soul’s Spiritual Center, her Soul’s Fifth Dimension Heart!


Our Soul’s Spiritual Center, like Mother Earth’s, will always guide us in the direction of our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose through the manifestation of our Soul’s Joy! The pathway of our “ordinary lives” of the past is no longer available, dear Ones, as Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” of her Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency is leading towards its final conclusion! If we are to accompany Mother Earth beyond the parameters of her “Great Melting” period, we will first need to recognize and realize what we were BORN TO DO in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.


In this way, we are not only attaining our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency but also manifesting the innate expression of our Soul’s Joy! As difficult as it was to maintain a consistent presence of our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose with Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, the acknowledgement that we are actually Spiritual Beings in physical bodies will be even more difficult to inspire during Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” period, as we can still remain doubtful about our Spiritual Purpose and yet continue to use our five physical senses to maintain our “ordinary lives!” But in order to do what we were BORN TO DO, we must also learn more about what we will do beyond Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” period! The only way we will enable our “sight” beyond Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” period will be to turn inward and understand from the perspective of our Soul’s Heart!


Doubt and disbelief will be adding to the already heightened levels of Chaos and Confusion present on Earth. Doubt and disbelief are not produced by an awareness instigated by our Souls. They originate within our conscious minds’ perception of our physical world. Their persistent presence will prevail within each and every Soul throughout Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” period, that is, until we finally attain an agreement with our Soul and say, “We will turn inward and not turn away from what we are now seeing!” Our Soul’s entire experience is actually an accumulation of our encounters with other Souls without the experience of time, as time is not an experience of the Soul! Thus, our physical world and the body we experience is essentially a manifestation realized through the parameters of matter moving through space and time! When we fail to recognize that we are actually Spiritual Beings in physical bodies, we are also failing to recognize the Spiritual Essence of the physical world we live in! Doubt and disbelief do not exist within the parameters of our Soul and will do little to inspire our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! When we all finally align into a process of collaborating together to unify our combined electromagnetic fields with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency to Create and manifest a “construct” from our united Soul’s Spiritual Centers, we will not only be Creating in Unity with God but also Creating our Society of Light!


There will be many days during Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” period from April 19, 2017 through December 27, 2018 that you will want to turn away, change the channel, and think you are not directly involved in humanity’s current evolutionary process, dear Ones! But it is not that your Soul’s Spiritual Purpose with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency is not being Created or manifesting. On the contrary, if you pay attention to what Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” is now accomplishing through its process, it is this: EVERYTHING and EVERYONE on Earth is now in a process of Change to experience the fullness of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!


The only two existing options we now have available is either to adjust our Soul’s electromagnetic field into alignment with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension or to continue thinking Mother Earth is a static object and remain within a pathway which is no longer available to accommodate our “ordinary lives” of the past! Just like this past moment that just vanished, the pathway of our “ordinary lives” of the past too has vanished! Look forward and do not lose hope! We are all involved within a process requiring us to turn inward and not turn away from we what we are now seeing! For if we are to keep turning away from every manifested sign of Mother Earth’s Transformation from a Fourth Dimension Creator Planet to a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet, we will also miss the arrival of our moment to do what we were BORN TO DO!




























    創作者 飛翔天地 的頭像


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